Page 161 - Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers (1923)

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August 3, 1894.
Christ identifies His interest with that of humanity. The work
that bears the divine credentials is that which manifests the spirit
of Jesus, which reveals His love, His carefulness, His tenderness in
dealing with the minds of men. What revelations would come to man
if the curtain should be rolled back and you could see the result of
your work in dealing with the erring who have needed most judicious
treatment lest they should be turned out of the way. “Wherefore
lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees; and make
straight paths for your feet, lest that which is lame be turned out of
the way; but let it rather be healed.”
We will always have tried and tempted ones to deal with, and it
is essential that we be converted to God every day and be vessels
that can be used unto His name’s honor and glory. The true value
of the soul can be estimated only by the cross of Calvary. “For
God so loved the world, that He gave His only-begotten Son, that
whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting
life.” Those who are unconverted, who are unsanctified, will make
manifest what manner of spirit they are of. They will show by
their likes and dislikes that their natural feelings are not under the
control of a sanctified will. The religion of Jesus Christ is one which
will revolutionize the entire man. The truth of God has power to
transform the character.
We are to have the faith that works by love and purifies the soul.
A faith that does not result in this is of no value. The fruit of the
branch will show what is the character of the parent stock. He who
is planted in Christ will be elevated. In place of acting rashly, in
place of cutting off the erring from faith and hope with your severity
and harshness, the true Christian will teach the ignorant, reform the
sinful, comfort those who mourn, restrain oppression and injustice,
and work after a Christlike plan, even in all business transactions.
Instead of stirring up strife, he will bring about peace and harmony.
A hard, unjust, critical spirit has been indulged among those who
have held positions of trust in the work of God. Unless those who
have indulged this spirit are converted, they will be relieved of the
responsibility of acting a part in committees of counsel, even in the
transaction of business. Unless they are converted, their voices must
not be heard in the council, for the aggregate result is more injurious