Page 178 - Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers (1923)

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Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers
Earnest Work
It is when we are engaged in earnest work, working according
to our several abilities, that God manifests Himself to us, and gives
us grace for grace. A working church in travail for souls will be a
praying church, a believing church, and a receiving church. A church
whose members are found upon their knees before God, supplicating
His mercy, seeking Him daily, is a church that is feeding upon
the bread of life, and drinking of the waters of life. The promise,
“Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in My name, He will give it
you,” will be verified to them.
Christlike activity pursued with persevering zeal will bring large
returns. There will be an enlarged experience in love, and the human
agents will have elevated views as to what God would do through
them as they stand at their post of duty. Then will the church arise
and shine, realizing that the glory of the Lord has risen upon her,
and that darkness is receding.
Missionary success will be proportionate to wholehearted, thor-
oughly consecrated effort. Every departure from true missionary
effort, every failure to cherish the missionary spirit, has reacted upon
the church, and there has been a decline of spirituality. But every
earnest effort that has been made in missionary lines has brought
spiritual health to the church, and has not only increased the mem-
bership of the church, but has increased its holy zeal and gladness.
The commandment-keeping people of God erelong will be
placed in a most trying position; but all those who have walked
in the light, and diffused the light, will realize that God interposes
in their behalf. When everything looks most forbidding, then the
Lord will reveal His power to His faithful ones. When the nation
for which God has worked in such a marvelous manner, and over
which He has spread the shield of Omnipotence, abandons Protestant
principles, and through its legislature gives countenance and support
to Romanism in limiting religious liberty, then God will work in His
own power for His people that are true. The tyranny of Rome will
be exercised, but Christ is our refuge.