Page 183 - Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers (1923)

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Workers Under God
our brethren will have a more even, tranquil experience, and will be
able to be a greater benefit to the people; for the glory of the Lord
will be their rearward.
Our only safety will be found in constantly seeking wisdom
from God, in carefully weighing every matter with much fear and
trembling, lest there should be brought into the work not the light
of heaven, but the weakness of man. But the Lord has promised to
give light to those who seek Him with the whole heart. If we will
but wait patiently and prayerfully upon God, and not follow our own
impetuous plans, He will guide our decisions and open many doors
of hope and labor.
The great General of armies will lead in every battle for the
advancement of His cause. He will be the guide of His people in the
perilous conflicts in which they have to engage, if the under leaders
and undershepherds will do their appointed work, and listen to the
voice which says: “This is the way, walk ye in it;” “He that followeth
Me shall not walk in darkness.” What a great comfort this promise
should be to us! We may walk in the light as He is in the light.
Let the men to whom God has entrusted great responsibilities be
perfectly sure that they are following their great Leader, even Christ,
and are not moving under the impulse of their own natural tempers.
We shall be safe only when we consecrate ourselves to God and
look unto Jesus, earnestly longing to work out His plan. Men may
follow many kinds of lights, but there is only one Light that it will
be safe for them to follow. Be sure that you are following Jesus
whithersoever He goeth. Let none run ahead of Christ, but wait for
the word of command, “Follow Me.” Let our leaders be distrustful
of their own counsel, of their own ambitious fancies. Let them not
suppose that the sparks of their own kindling are the true light, or
after a while they will find that, instead of following the heavenly
guiding Star, they are following an uncertain leader.
God Orders His Work
I am grieved as I see men seeking to mark out the precise course
that missionaries in far-off lands shall pursue. We must give matters
more into the hands of Him whom we profess to follow, that He may
work through His appointed agents as He shall see fit. We should