Page 185 - Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers (1923)

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Workers Under God
God’s Organization
Let God’s workmen study the sixth chapter of Isaiah, and the
first and second chapters of Ezekiel.
To the prophet the wheel within a wheel, the appearances of
living creatures connected with them, all seemed intricate and un-
explainable. But the hand of Infinite Wisdom is seen among the
wheels, and perfect order is the result of its work. Every wheel
works in perfect harmony with every other.
I have been shown that human instrumentalities seek after too
much power and try to control the work themselves. They leave the
Lord God, the Mighty Worker, too much out of their methods and
plans, and do not trust everything to Him in regard to the advance-
ment of the work. No one should fancy that he is able to manage
these things which belong to the great I AM. God in His providence
is preparing a way so that the work may be done by human agents.
Then let every man stand at his post of duty, to act his part for this
time, and know that God is his instructor.
In the taking of Jericho the Lord God of hosts was the general
of the army. He made the plan for the battle and united heavenly
and human agencies to act a part in the work, but no human hand
touched the walls of Jericho. God so arranged the plan that man
could take no credit to himself for achieving the victory. God alone
is to be glorified. So it shall be in the work in which we are engaged.
The glory is not to be given to human agencies; the Lord alone is
to be magnified. Please read carefully the third chapter of Ezekiel.
We must learn to put our entire dependence upon God, and yet we
must ever bear in mind that the Lord God has need of every agency
that holds the truth in righteousness. As workers for Christ we are
to stand in view of the cross of Calvary, proclaiming to the world,
“Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.”
We are to proclaim the third angel’s message with our human voices,
and it is to go to the world with power and glory.
When men cease to depend upon men, when they make God
their efficiency, then there will be more confidence manifested one in
another. Our faith in God is altogether too feeble and our confidence
in one another altogether too meager.
Christ breathed upon His disciples and said, “Receive ye the