Page 192 - Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers (1923)

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Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers
Let those who speak and write concerning the third angel’s mes-
sage consider the fact that the Prince of Peace did not bring a railing
accusation against the enemy, and let them learn the lesson they
ought to have learned much earlier in their experience. They should
wear Christ’s yoke, they should practice the humility of Christ. The
Great Teacher says, “Learn of Me [I am not boastful, I hide My
glory]; for I am meek and lowly in heart.” In learning of Me, “ye
shall find rest unto your souls.” Let such work be done by our mis-
sionaries as will lead to that repentance that needs not to be repented
of. We need to learn much more of the meekness of Christ in order
to be a savor of life unto life.
Let no one open the way for the enemy to do his work. Let no
one help him to advance his oppressive powers, for we are not yet
prepared to meet them. We need the softening, subduing, refining
influence of the Holy Spirit, to mold our characters, and to bring
every thought into captivity to Christ. It is the Holy Spirit that will
enable us to overcome, that will lead us to sit at the feet of Jesus, as
did Mary, and learn His meekness and lowliness of heart.
We need to be sanctified by the Holy Spirit every hour of the day,
lest we be ensnared by the enemy and our souls be imperiled. There
is constant temptation to exalt self, and we must watch much against
this evil. We need to be on guard continually lest we manifest the
spirit of overbearing, criticism, and condemnation. We should seek
to avoid the very appearance of evil, and not reveal anything like
the attributes of Satan that will dishearten and discourage those with
whom we come in contact. We are to work as did Christ—to draw,
to build up, not to tear down. It is natural for some to be sharp
and dictatorial, to Lord it over God’s heritage; and because of the
manifestation of these attributes, precious souls have been lost to
the cause. The reason that men have manifested these unpleasant
characteristics is because they have not been connected with God.
Dealing With Precious Souls
Those who occupy important positions, who are brought in con-
tact with souls for whom Christ has died, should place upon men the
estimate God has placed upon them and regard them as precious. But
many have treated the purchase of Christ’s blood in a harsh manner,