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Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers
while the Spirit of God was urging him to give the message, whether
men would hear or whether they would forbear.
Come when it may, the advent of Christ will surprise the false
teachers who are saying, “Peace and safety;” “all things continue as
they were from the beginning.” Thus saith the word of Inspiration,
“Sudden destruction cometh upon them.” The day of God shall come
as a snare upon all who dwell upon the face of the whole earth. It
comes to them as a prowling thief. “If the goodman of the house had
known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched,
and would not have suffered his house to be broken up.” Habitual
watching is our only safety. We must be ever ready, that that day
may not overtake us as a thief.
Let everyone who loves God consider that now while it is day
is the time to work, not among the sheep already in the fold, but to
go out in search of the lost and perishing ones. These need to have
special help to bring them back to the fold. Now is the time for the
careless to arouse from their slumber. Now is the time to entreat that
souls shall not only hear the word of God, but without delay secure
oil in their vessels with their lamps. That oil is the righteousness
of Christ. It represents character, and character is not transferable.
No man can secure it for another. Each must obtain for himself a
character purified from every stain of sin.
The Lord is coming in power and great glory. It will then be
His work to make a complete separation between the righteous and
the wicked. But the oil cannot then be transferred to the vessels of
those who have it not. Then shall be fulfilled the words of Christ:
“Two women shall be grinding together; the one shall be taken,
and the other left. Two men shall be in the field; the one shall
be taken, and the other left.” The righteous and the wicked are to
be associated together in the work of life. But the Lord reads the
character; He discerns who are obedient children, who respect and
love His commandments.
The Tares and the Wheat
The looker-on may discern no difference; but there is One who
said that the tares were not to be plucked up by human hands lest the
wheat be rooted up also. Let both grow together until the harvest.