Page 206 - Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers (1923)

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Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers
the Lord, that we may know His goings forth are prepared as the
morning. “To obey is better than sacrifice.” The whole work of the
Christian is comprised in willing and doing.
Balanced Training
The students work hard and faithfully. They are gaining in
strength of nerve and in solidity as well as activity of muscles. This
is the proper education which will bring forth from our schools
young men who are not weak and inefficient, who have not a one-
sided education, but an all-round physical, mental, and moral train-
ing. The builders of character must not forget to lay the foundation
which will make education of the greatest value. This will require
self-sacrifice, but it must be done. The physical training will, if
properly conducted, prepare for mental taxation. But the one alone
always makes a deficient man. The physical taxation combined
with mental effort keeps the mind and morals in a more healthful
condition, and far better work is done. Under this training students
will come forth from our schools educated for practical life, able to
put their intellectual capabilities to the best use. Physical and mental
exercise must be combined if we would do justice to our students.
We have been working on this plan here with complete satisfaction,
notwithstanding the inconvenience under which students have to
I came here and began work on my place so earnestly that it
inspired all with fresh zeal, and they have been working with a will,
rejoicing that they have the privilege. We have provoked one another
to zeal and good works. The school workers were afraid I would
plant the first trees, and now both they and and I have the satisfaction
of having the first genuine orchards in this vicinity. Some of our
trees will yield fruit next year, and the peaches will bear quite a crop
in two years. Mr.-----, from whom we bought our trees, lives about
twenty miles from here. He has an extensive and beautiful orchard.
He says that we have splendid fruit land.
Well, the school has made an excellent beginning. The students
are learning how to plant trees, strawberries, etc.; how they must
keep every sprangle and fiber of the roots uncramped in order to
give them a chance to grow. Is not this a most precious lesson as to