Page 230 - Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers (1923)

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Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers
as verity and truth, they know not what spirit they are of. When they
encourage this spirit, and complaints against the people of God, they
evidence that they are working on the enemy’s side to belittle and
humiliate those whom the Lord loves, and that they strengthen the
hands of the wicked, who are doing an evil work. When they feel
free to suffer the accusers of God’s children to plan for them against
His chosen ones, they do not have Christ to plan with them.
Deal Justly with the Erring
If one of the children of the Lord errs, then if the men in authority
are discerning spiritual things, they will understand that their position
allows no betrayal of sacred trusts on their part, and they will not
betray the cause of God into the enemy’s hands. They will not
be reticent to the very ones in whom they should have confidence,
and work in silence and secrecy, and open their plans to those who
have no sympathy with the chosen people of God. If any workers
in our institutions for health are murmured against and accused by
unbelievers or believers, let the following special directions given
by our Master, Jesus Christ, be placed in mottoes all through the
establishment: “Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what
judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye
mete, it shall be measured to you again.”
Go to those supposed to be in error, talk with them, not working
with duplicity and hypocrisy, meeting them day by day with apparent
friendship, and at the same time plotting against them in perfect
unity with the satanic agencies at work to uproot, to tear down, to
remove from the institution the ones the unbelieving element wants
removed, while not a word is spoken with the brethren or sisters in
the faith to redeem them, to heal them, if they are in error; and if
they are not in the wrong, to vindicate the right, and put the rebuke
where it belongs—upon the plotters of an evil work, because Satan
is behind the scene. The Lord Jesus rebuked the Pharisees, likening
them to sepulchers that do not appear, hidden from sight, but full of
corruption. The Lord hates all deception, secrecy, and guile. This
is Satan’s work; the work of God is open and frank. No one will
work against a child of God on the strength of the testimony of the
Lord’s enemy, and work after Satan’s manner—concealing himself,