Page 233 - Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers (1923)

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Right Methods, Principles, and Motives
and unity with Christ, one can chase a thousand, and two put ten
thousand to flight. Let us not form unholy bonds of union with the
friends of the world; for God has pronounced His curse upon all
such unions. Let the people of God take their stand firmly for truth
and for righteousness. Already we see the terrible consequences of
uniting believers with unbelievers. The result is, the unbelievers are
given the confidence that belongs to those only who love and revere
Already has the power of darkness placed its mold and super-
scription upon the work that should stand forth untainted, unpolluted
from Satan’s cunning devices. We lift our voice of warning upon
the social attractions by worldly bids and worldly baits. Keep clear.
Touch not the unclean thing. Let not the world’s direction and propo-
sitions be given to God’s people to control them. Woe be unto him
whose wisdom is not from above but from beneath! Men of superfi-
cial piety, by their desire to receive patronage, to obtain fame, betray
the most sacred interests into the hands of unbelievers.
Let not money be obtained by touching or sanctioning any un-
clean practices. Let the grace of Christ be brought into the heart, and
if the workers be few and God can work with them in our institutions,
they will prevail. There must be no deceiving power at work, for it
is an unclean thing. There must be no hands that are defiled. Clean
hands and a pure heart God will recognize. “For thus saith the high
and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell
in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and
humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the
heart of the contrite ones.”
* * * * *
The light of the glory of God must fall upon us. We need the
holy unction from on high. However intelligent, however learned a
man may be, he is not qualified to teach unless he has a firm hold
on the God of Israel. He who is connected with heaven will do the
works of Christ. By faith in God he will have power to move upon
humanity. He will seek for the lost sheep of the house of Israel. If
divine power does not combine with human effort, I would not give