Page 236 - Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers (1923)

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Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers
responsible positions, and because of this God cannot do the work
He desires to do through them. By their course of action those who
reveal this spirit make manifest what they would be in heaven if
entrusted with responsibility.
Those who will look at human souls in the light of the cross of
Calvary need not err regarding the estimate which should be placed
upon them. The reason why God has permitted some of the human
family to be so rich and some so poor will remain a mystery to
men till eternity, unless they enter into right relations with God and
carry out His plans, instead of acting on their own selfish ideas that
because a man is rich he is to be more highly respected than his poor
neighbor. God makes His sun to shine on the just and on the unjust,
and this sun represents Christ, the Sun of Righteousness, who shines
as the light of the world, giving His blessings and mercies, seen and
unseen, to rich and poor alike. This principle is to guide our conduct
toward our fellowmen. The Lord is the teacher of the highest moral
sentiments, the loftiest principles; and no man can deviate from
these and be guiltless. It is the highest insult to God’s goodness to
doubt whether He would be willing for us to impart to others the
blessings, spiritual and temporal, which He has freely given us.
What Constitutes a Christian
A pure religion, an upright, holy life, constitutes a man a Chris-
tian. But ever since his defection in heaven, Satan’s course has been
one of perpetual deception and harshness; and there are professed
Christians who are learning his methods and practices. While they
claim to be serving the cause of God they turn their fellowmen from
their rights, in order to serve themselves.
Every human being has been bought with a price, and as God’s
heritage he has certain rights, of which no one should deprive him.
The Lord will not accept service from those who practice double-
dealing. The least advantage gained in this way will dishonor God
and the truth. Those who possess Bible religion will do justice, love
mercy, and walk humbly with their God. These are the lines drawn
by the God of justice on this matter.
Again I would urge that living faith in God be cultivated. There
are those who, though thought to be serving God, are fast becoming