Page 239 - Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers (1923)

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To Brethren in Responsible Positions
ends the desire for divine enlightenment, which is the only possible
thing that can make men great. Those who take this view extinguish
all chance of true greatness in themselves, because they will not
become illuminated by the Sun of Righteousness.
But men cannot extinguish the light of life, even though they
close their eyes tightly in order that they may not see it. The Sun of
Righteousness shines none the less because the poor, foolish human
agent surrounds himself with self-created darkness.
Special Dangers of those in Positions of Responsibility
The men who close their eyes to the divine light are ignorant,
deplorably ignorant, both of the Scriptures and of the power of God.
The Holy Spirit’s working is not agreeable to them, and they attribute
its manifestations to fanaticism. They rebel against the light, and do
all they can to shut it out, calling darkness light and light darkness.
They complain that the teachings of Christ cause undue excitement
and fanaticism, which spoil those who receive them for the proper
duties of life.
Those who entertain and speak this belief do not know what
they are talking about. They are cherishing a love of darkness; and
just as long as these Christless souls are retained in positions of
responsibility the cause of God is imperiled. They are in danger of
fastening themselves so firmly with the dark leader of all rebellion
that they will never see light; and the longer they are retained the
more hopeless is their chance of receiving Christ or of having a
knowledge of the true God. How uncertain they make everything
that is spiritual and progressive in the truth! Under the influence of
their leader they become more and more determined to work against
Christ. But through good and bad report, through darkness, through
all the antagonism of the agencies of Satan, the Sun of Righteousness
calmly shines on, searching out evil, repressing sin, and reviving the
spirit of the humble and contrite ones. “Lord, to whom shall we go?
Thou hast the words of eternal life.”
A Daily Christian Experience Essential
The evidence of true value and worth in men who are in respon-
sible positions is the fact that they have a daily Christian experience