Page 247 - Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers (1923)

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To Brethren in Responsible Positions
There are those who are today doing the very same things. In
their counsels they venture to pronounce judgment upon the work
of God; for they have become trained in doing that which the Lord
has never required them to do. They would better humble their own
hearts before God, and keep their hands off the ark of God, lest the
wrath of God shall break forth upon them; for if God has ever spoken
by me, I testify that they have undertaken a work in criticizing and
pronouncing unsound judgment which I know is not right. They are
but finite men and, being befogged themselves, suppose that other
men are in error.
But these men who presume to judge others should take a little
broader view and say, Suppose the statements of others do not agree
with our ideas; shall we for this pronounce them heresy? Shall we,
uninspired men, take the responsibility of placing our stakes, and
saying, This shall not appear in print?
If they still persist in clinging to their own opinions, they will
find that God will not sustain their action. Do they take the position
that all they advance is infallible? that there is not a shadow of an
error or mistake in their productions? Cannot other men who give
just as much evidence that they are led and taught of God catch at an
expression in their work which they do not entertain as their views
in every particular, and command them to cut it out?
Has not our past experience in these things been sufficient? Will
we ever learn the lessons which God designs we shall learn? Will
we ever realize that the consciences of men are not given into our
command? If you have appointed committees to do the work which
has been going on for years in Battle Creek, dismiss them; and
remember that God, the infinite God, has not placed men in any such
positions as they occupied at Minneapolis, and have occupied since
Not to be Conscience for Our Fellowmen
I feel deeply over this matter of men being conscience for their
fellowmen. Stand out of the way, and let God work His own instru-
mentalities. Some have done work for which God will call them to
account. He will ask of them, Who hath required this at your hands?