Page 259 - Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers (1923)

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Means and Methods
with us by the way, and while he opened to us the Scriptures?” An
abundance of chaff is given to the people, but this will not awaken
the transgressor or convict souls of sin. The souls who come to hear
need a plain, straightforward presentation of truth. Those who have
tasted of the word of God have dwelt long in an atmosphere where
there is no God, and they long for the divine presence.
Gird up the loins of your mind, that you may present the truth
of God acceptably. Preach the truth in its simplicity, but let your
discourses be short. Dwell decidedly on a few important points.
Realize every moment that you must have the presence of the Holy
Spirit; for it can do a work that you cannot do of yourself. If you
have any burden of a disagreeable character on your mind, get rid
of it by personal labor or earnest prayer before you come before the
people. Plead earnestly with God to remove that burden from your
mind. Keep decidedly to a few points. Give the people pure wheat
thoroughly winnowed from all chaff. Do not let your discourses
embrace so much that weakness shall be seen in the place of solid
argument. Present the truth as it is in Jesus, that those who hear may
receive the very best impression.
Evils of Long Sermons
Speak short. Your discourses are generally double the length
they should be. It is possible to handle a good thing in such a manner
that it loses its flavor. When a discourse is too long, the last part
of the preaching detracts from the force and interest of that which
has preceded it. Do not wander, but come right to the point. Give
the people the very manna from heaven, and the Spirit will bear
witness with your spirit that it is not you that speaks, but the Holy
Spirit speaking through you. The teacher of the word of God must
first talk with God, and then he can stand before the people with the
Holy Spirit working upon his mind. If he faithfully cooperates with
Christ, the promise will be fulfilled, “Lo, I am with you alway.”
Be careful never to lose a sense of the presence of the divine
Watcher. Remember that you are speaking not only to an unenlight-
ened assembly, but to One whom you should ever recognize. Speak
as though the whole universe of heaven were before you, as well