Page 273 - Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers (1923)

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Conference Officials
character, and must battle for the victory. Everyone who begins
aright must begin at his own heart. Let the fervent prayer go forth
from unfeigned lips, “Create in me a clean heart, O God,” and it will
bring the response, “A new heart also will I give you.”
Lessons need to be learned by all who shall step into places
where they are to be proved and tested by God, to see whether they
shall be registered day by day as faithful and true stewards of God’s
entrusted talents. Have they shown that they have the fear of God
before them, whether they are dealing with superiors, inferiors, or
equals? They need to cherish the truth as an abiding principle, that
it may sanctify the soul. The creating, transforming power of God’s
Holy Spirit will make them copartners with Jesus Christ. Yoked up
with Christ, they can be more than conquerors through Him.
The man who is fully sensible that he is in the service of Jesus
Christ, will aspire for the friendship of God. He will lie low before
God, that he may be nothing, and God everything. Such a man is
a copartner with Christ, fitted to preside over a state conference.
If he proves himself circumspect, he is prepared for any position,
according to his experience and qualifications. Let the churches
understand that such man is to be trusted and sustained. They may
go to him and talk with him. Such a man will never feel sufficient
to carry the work, even of a state conference, without the constant
grace which God will give. He will not choose to do the work and
bear the responsibility alone. Through wise management, he will
have the tact to recognize talent in others. He will use those who
have this talent, and help them, while they help to share his burdens.
Unite With Brethren
It is a selfish thing for men who feel that they have some service
to do for the Master, to wish to be alone in their work, and to refuse
to connect with those who would be a help to them, because they
fear that they will not obtain all the credit for doing the good work
which they flatter themselves they will do. This has greatly hindered
the work of God. Let brother lay hold of brother. Link up a Peter and
a John. Let each encourage his brother to stand by his side, doing
zealous, interested service, as partners in the great work. Two or
three can pray together, sing the praises of God together, and grow up