Page 289 - Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers (1923)

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Appeals for Truth and Loyalty
men who have refused the light given them of heaven? We should
be afraid of man-made laws, and of plans and methods that are not
in accordance with the principles of the word of God concerning
man’s relation to his fellow. “All ye are brethren.”
The Present Order Must Change
The present order of things must change, [
See appendix.
] or the
wrath of God will fall upon His instrumentalities that are not working
in Christ’s lines. Has God given any one of you a commission to
Lord it over His heritage? This kind of work has been coming in
for years. God sees it all, and He is displeased with it. When men
come in between God and His human agents, they dishonor God
and wrong the souls of those who need true encouragement and
sympathy and love. I am constrained to appeal to our workers:
Whatever your position, do not depend on men, or make flesh your
I am urged by the Spirit of God to say to you who have a con-
nection with the Lord’s work, Never forget that you are wholly
dependent upon God; and if you pass one hour or one moment
without relying upon His grace, without keeping the heart open to
receive the wisdom that is not earthborn, being sure that without
Christ ye can do nothing, you will be unable to distinguish between
the common and the sacred fire. Words of a very forbidden character
will flash from your lips to destroy hope and courage and faith. Thus
it is written in the books of heaven: Your words were not inspired
of God, but of the enemy that wounded and bruised Christ in the
person of His purchased possession. Souls of infinite value were
treated indifferently, turned from, left to struggle under temptation,
and forced on Satan’s battleground.
Job’s professed friends were miserable comforters, making his
case more bitter and unbearable, and Job was not guilty as they
supposed. Those who are under the pain and distress of their own
wrongdoing, while Satan is seeking to drive them to despair, are
the very ones who need help the most. The intense agony of the
soul that has been overcome by Satan and is feeling worsted and
helpless—how little is it comprehended by those who should meet
the erring one with tender compassion!