Page 299 - Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers (1923)

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Appeals for Truth and Loyalty
these men change their course. Those in authority should manifest
the spirit of Christ. They should deal as He would deal with every
case that requires attention. They should go weighted with the Holy
Spirit. A man’s position does not make him one jot or tittle greater
in the sight of God; it is character alone that God values.
The goodness, mercy, and love of God were proclaimed by Christ
to Moses. This was God’s character. When men who profess to
serve God ignore His parental character and depart from honor and
righteousness in dealing with their fellowmen, Satan exults, for he
has inspired them with his attributes. They are following in the track
of Romanism.
In The Track of Romanism
Those who are enjoined to represent the attributes of the Lord’s
character, step from the Bible platform, and in their own human
judgment devise rules and resolutions to force the will of others.
The devisings for forcing men to follow the prescriptions of other
men are instituting an order of things that overrides sympathy and
tender compassion, that blinds the eyes to mercy, justice, and the
love of God. Moral influence and personal responsibility are trodden
The righteousness of Christ by faith has been ignored by some;
for it is contrary to their spirit and their whole life experience. Rule,
rule, has been their course of action. Satan has had an opportunity of
representing himself. When one who professes to be a representative
of Christ engages in sharp dealing and in pressing men into hard
places, those who are thus oppressed will either break every fetter
of restraint, or they will be led to regard God as a hard master. They
cherish hard feelings against God, and the soul is alienated from
Him, just as Satan planned it should be.
This hardheartedness on the part of men who claim to believe
the truth Satan charges to the influence of the truth itself, and thus
men become disgusted and turn from the truth. For this reason no
man should have a responsible connection with our institutions who
thinks it no important matter whether he has a heart of flesh or a
heart of steel.