Page 308 - Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers (1923)

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Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers
the human judgment of these men, taking their counsel as the voice
of God. [
See appendix.
] But this is not safe; for unless men are
wholly consecrated to God, Satan will work through them to impart
that knowledge which will not be for the present and eternal good of
those who hear.
Many have educated themselves to write or ask for counsel and
advice when brought into difficult places. But it is a mistake for
those who are placed in responsible positions in our different insti-
tutions to depend upon the men who have all too many burdens and
responsibilities to bear. A weak, sickly experience will be the lot
of those who are educated to depend wholly upon others. Those
upon whom they depend may have less of the fear of God than they
themselves have; and not more mental power and talent than it is
their privilege to possess if they will but realize that they are not to
be children, but firm, brave men, seeking to gain more ability by
exercising that which they already have, by trading upon the talent
God has lent them. We are individually responsible for the use of
the talents God has given us. Our intellect must be cultivated. Close,
hard thinking must be given to the solution of difficulties.
The Lord has given to every man his appointed work, and if He
places men in positions of responsibility, He will communicate His
Holy Spirit to them, giving them efficiency for their work. But the
men who are called upon to take long and expensive journeys in
order to help others to devise and plan are not themselves in close
connection with the God of all wisdom if they put confidence in
their own strength and wisdom. If they have not been willing to bear
the yoke of Christ, or to learn in His school to be meek and lowly in
heart as He was; if they have not learned to lift the burdens God has
given them, and to follow wherever He may lead them, what will
their expensive trips amount to? What is their wisdom worth? Is it
not accounted foolishness with God?
Teach This to the People
State conferences may depend upon the General Conference for
light and knowledge and wisdom; but is it safe for them to do this?
Battle Creek is not to be the center of God’s work. God alone can
fill this place. When our people in the different places have their