Page 325 - Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers (1923)

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To God’s Workmen
The word of God appropriated is the preparation for eternal life.
But men have placed such an interpretation upon this word that it
has been made meaningless. Heart and conscience have become
hardened and corrupted. Brethren, in the name of Jesus, I ask, Do
you believe the word of God? Are you sons and daughters of God?
If you are, it is because you have been converted, and have received
Christ into your soul temple, and your minds have been brought
under the new law, even the royal law of liberty. Oh, if I could have
the joyful news that the will and minds of those in Battle Creek
who have stood professedly as leaders, were emancipated from the
teachings and slavery of Satan, whose captives they have been for
so long, I would be willing to cross the broad Pacific to see your
faces once more. But I am not anxious to see you with enfeebled
perceptions and clouded minds because you have chosen darkness
rather than light.
Awakening Influence of the Holy Spirit
The divine Spirit reveals its working on the human heart. When
the Holy Spirit operates upon the mind, the human agent will under-
stand the statement made by Christ, “He shall receive of Mine, and
shall show it unto you.” Subjection to the word of God means the
restoration of one’s self. Let Christ work by His Holy Spirit, and
awaken you as from the dead, and carry your minds along with His.
Let Him employ your faculties. He has created your every capability
that you may better honor and glorify His name. Consecrate yourself
to Him, and all associated with you will see that your energies are
inspired of God, that your noblest powers are called into exercise to
do God’s service. The faculties once used to serve self and advance
unworthy principles, once serving as members of unrighteous pur-
poses, will be brought into captivity to Jesus Christ and become one
with the will of God.
Young People to be Trained for Service
There is a work to be done in the churches. Young men and
women must be trained and educated, and then places will be found
for them in the work. You are worried and perplexed because Dr.----
-is gathering in disproportionately in the medical missionary work,