Page 327 - Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers (1923)

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To God’s Workmen
other needless things must be accounted for. [
See appendix.
] As
God’s people you should represent Jesus; but Christ is ashamed of
the self-indulgent ones. My heart is pained, I can scarcely restrain
my feelings, when I think of how easily our people are led away
from practical Christian principles to self-pleasing. As yet many of
you only partially believe the truth. The Lord Jesus says, “Ye cannot
serve God and mammon,” and we are to live by every word which
proceedeth out of His mouth. How many believe His word?
The Lord abhors your selfish practices, and yet His hand is
stretched out still. I urge you for your soul’s sake to hear my plea
now for those who are missionaries in foreign countries, whose
hands are tied by your ways. Satan has been working with all his
powers of deception to bring matters to that pass where the way will
be hedged up for want of means in the treasury.
Do you realize that every year thousands and thousands and ten
times ten thousand souls are perishing, dying in their sins? The
plagues and judgments of God are already doing their work, and
souls are going to ruin because the light of truth has not been flashed
upon their pathway. Do we fully believe that we are to carry the
word of God to all the world? Who believes this? “How then shall
they call on Him in whom they have not believed? and how shall
they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? and how shall
they hear without a preacher?” Who has the faith that will enable
them to practice this word? Who believes in the light which God
has given?
God Calls for Action
The Lord calls for united action. Well-organized efforts must be
made to secure laborers. There are poor, honest, humble souls whom
the Lord will put in your place, who have never had the opportunities
you have had, and who could not have them because you were not
worked by the Holy Spirit. We may be sure that when the Holy Spirit
is poured out those who did not receive and appreciate the early rain
will not see or understand the value of the latter rain. When we are
truly consecrated to God, His love will abide in our hearts by faith,
and we will cheerfully do our duty in accordance with the will of