Page 338 - Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers (1923)

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Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers
be now employed in erecting barriers against the wily foes. Rather
than fight against those whom the Lord has sent to save these, let His
people pray fervently and continually for the power of God’s grace,
and that the Captain of the Lord’s host will take the field. Rather
than sit in judgment upon men whom God has accepted to do Him
service, let the burden of their prayer be, night and day, that the Lord
may send forth more laborers into His vineyard. Ministers, do not
dishonor your God and grieve His Holy Spirit, by casting reflections
on the ways and manners of the men He would choose. God knows
the character. He sees the temperament of the men He has chosen.
He knows that none but earnest, firm, determined, strong-feeling
men will view this work in its vital importance, and will put such
firmness and decision into their testimonies that they will make a
break against the barriers of Satan.
God gives men counsel and reproof for their good. He has sent
His message, telling them what was needed for the time—1897. Did
you accept the message? Did you heed the appeal? He gave you
opportunity to come up armed and equipped to the help of the Lord.
And having done all, He told you to stand. But did you make ready?
Did you say, “Here am I; send me”? You sat still and did nothing.
You left the word of the Lord to fall unheeded to the ground; and
now the Lord has taken men who were boys when you were standing
at the forefront of the battle, and has given to them the message and
the work which you did not take upon you. Will you be stumbling
blocks to them? Will you criticize? Will you say, “They are getting
out of their place”? Yet you did not fill the place they are now called
to fill.
Oh, why will men be hindrances, when they might be helps?
Why will they block the wheels, when they might push with marked
success? Why will they rob their own soul of good and deprive
others of blessing that might come through them? These rejecters of
light will remain barren deserts, where no refreshing, healing waters
flow, and their ministrations as barren of moisture as were the hills of
Gilboa, where there was neither dew nor rain. They are not clothed
with divine unction and convey no blessing to others. They might
humble their hearts and confess their wrongs, and break Satan’s hold
upon them. They might break the fetters which education, prejudice,
or habits have forged. Would they only inquire of God, in the spirit