Page 347 - Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers (1923)

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To God’s Workmen
a sufficiency in all things, and be enabled to abound to every good
The Preaching of Christ
There is a great work to be done. The world will not be con-
verted by the gift of tongues, or by the working of miracles, but
by preaching Christ crucified. The Holy Spirit must be allowed to
work. God has placed instrumentalities in our hands, and we must
use every one of them to do His will and way. As believers we are
privileged to act a part in forwarding the truth for this time. As far
as possible we are to employ the means and agencies that God has
given us to introduce the truth into new localities. Churches must
be built to accommodate the people of God, that they may stand as
centers of light, shining amid the darkness of the world....
This work God would have us do. Christ’s example must be
followed by those who claim to be His children. Relieve the physical
necessities of your fellowmen, and their gratitude will break down
the barriers and enable you to reach their hearts. Consider this
matter earnestly. As churches you have had an opportunity to work
as laborers together with God. Had you obeyed the word of God,
had you entered upon this work, you would have been blessed and
encouraged, and would have obtained a rich experience. You would
have found yourselves, as the human agencies of God, earnestly
advocating a scheme of saving, of restoration, of salvation. This
scheme would not be fixed, but progressive, moving on from grace
to grace, and from strength to strength.
* * * * *
Christ sought the people where they were and placed before them
the great truths in regard to His kingdom. As He went from place to
place, He blessed and comforted the suffering and healed the sick.
This is our work. God would have us relieve the necessities of the
destitute. The reason that the Lord does not manifest His power
more decidedly is because there is so little spirituality among those
who claim to believe the truth.