Page 349 - Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers (1923)

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matter, and all their pretense has proved to be like morning dew
when the sun shines upon it.
No sooner are they placed in temptation than they reveal their
moral defects—that they are not partakers of the divine nature, nei-
ther have they escaped the corruption that is in the world through
lust; but that they are earthly, sensual, devilish. Satan finds in them
something that he can work up into marked iniquity, and he improves
his opportunity, and the result is, those who claim to be shepherds
of the flock are carnally minded, leading the sheep of their care,
whose purity, modesty, and virtue they should strictly guard, into
licentiousness and lewdness. Angels of heaven are looking on with
shame and grief and disgust. How can the pure angels of heaven
minister unto this class? How can they bring heavenly light into
the assemblies where such ministers are advocating the law of God,
but breaking that law whenever a favorable opportunity presents
itself; living a lie, pursuing an underhanded course, working in se-
cret, nursing their polluted thoughts and inflaming their passions,
and then taking advantage of women or men who are tempted, like
themselves, to break down all barriers and debase their bodies and
pollute their souls? How can they do this thing? How can they have
any fear of God before them? How can they have any love for God
in their souls? Of what value is their faith in the truth?
Cleanse the camp of this moral corruption, if it takes the highest
men in the highest positions. God will not be trifled with. Fornication
is in our ranks; [
See appendix.
] I know it, for it has been shown me to
be strengthening and extending its pollutions. There is much we will
never know; but that which is revealed makes the church responsible
and guilty unless they show a determined effort to eradicate the evil.
Cleanse the camp, for there is an accursed thing in it.
The words of God to Joshua are: “Neither will I be with you
anymore, except ye destroy the accursed from among you. Up,
sanctify the people, and say, Sanctify yourselves against tomorrow:
for thus saith the Lord God of Israel, There is an accursed thing
in the midst of thee, O Israel: thou canst not stand before thine
enemies, until ye take away the accursed thing from among you.”
These things are written for our benefit, upon whom the ends of the
world are come.