Page 357 - Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers (1923)

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Elevate the Standard
God has flashed light upon the pathway of all. Reproofs and
warnings and cautions are given to individuals in similar circum-
stances, and God has expressed condemnation of sin in all its forms.
The sin of licentiousness is plainly rebuked and condemned. Men
and women will be judged according to the light given them of God.
Lessons that have been neglected, become awful judgments. The
warnings of God, neglected, from which men turn to a course of
their own choosing, will afford no practical lessons of instruction.
These warnings will prove their condemnation in the judgment. The
only safety for anyone is to turn to a practical account for himself
every lesson that is given to another. When the message is given,
then his individual duty begins.
Show Forth God’s Power
God calls upon those who claim to be delegated to bear the truth
to the world, to show in all places, both high and low, in public life
and in the bypaths of private life, that they are in connection with
God, that Christianity has done a noble work for them, that they are
holier, happier than those who do not acknowledge their allegiance
to God’s commandments. God demands nothing less of every one
of His followers than that they reveal Christ’s character to the world
in their individual life, and that they bear testimony by precept and
example that it is not in vain that Christ has suffered and died, that
the image of God might be restored in them through His redeeming
God is represented as weighing all men, their words, their deeds,
their motives, that which determines character. “The Lord is a God
of knowledge, and by Him actions are weighed.” “Men of low degree
are vanity, and men of high degree are a lie: to be laid in the balance,
they are altogether lighter than vanity.” “Thou, most upright, dost
weigh the path of the just.” “All the ways of a man are clean in
his own eyes; but the Lord weigheth the spirits.” Important lessons
are suggested to us in these scriptures. There is not a thought or
motive in the heart that God is not acquainted with. He sees all
as clearly as if it stood out registered in living characters, and He
weighs individual motives and actions.