Page 385 - Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers (1923)

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Appeal and Warning
Make them care more for money than for the upbuilding of Christ’s
kingdom and the spread of the truths we hate, and we need not
fear their influence; for we know that every selfish, covetous person
will fall under our power, and will finally be separated from God’s
“Through those that have a form of godliness but know not the
power, we can gain many who would otherwise do us harm. Lovers
of pleasure more than lovers of God will be our most effective
helpers. Those of this class who are apt and intelligent will serve
as decoys to draw others into our snares. Many will not fear their
influence, because they profess the same faith. We will thus lead
them to conclude that the requirements of Christ are less strict than
they once believed, and that by conformity to the world they would
exert a greater influence with worldlings. Thus they will separate
from Christ; then they will have no strength to resist our power, and
erelong they will be ready to ridicule their former zeal and devotion.
“Until the great decisive blow shall be struck, our efforts against
commandment keepers must be untiring. We must be present at
all their gatherings. In their large meetings especially our cause
will suffer much, and we must exercise great vigilance, and employ
all our seductive arts to prevent souls from hearing the truth and
becoming impressed by it.
“I will have upon the ground, as my agents, men holding false
doctrines mingled with just enough truth to deceive souls. I will also
have unbelieving ones present who will express doubts in regard to
the Lord’s messages of warning to His church. Should the people
read and believe these admonitions, we could have little hope of
overcoming them. But if we can divert their attention from these
warnings, they will remain ignorant of our power and cunning, and
we shall secure them in our ranks at last. God will not permit His
words to be slighted with impunity. If we can keep souls deceived
for a time, God’s mercy will be withdrawn, and He will give them
up to our full control.
“We must cause distraction and division. We must destroy their
anxiety for their own souls, and lead them to criticize, to judge, and
to accuse and condemn one another, and to cherish selfishness and
enmity. For these sins, God banished us from His presence; and all
who follow our example will meet a similar fate.”