Page 398 - Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers (1923)

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Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers
have been laid for the prosecution of the work, they are constantly
to look to the God of Israel for personal guidance.
Sometimes a man who has been placed in responsibility as a
leader gains the idea that he is in a position of supreme authority, and
that all his brethren, before making advance moves, must first come
to him for permission to do that which they feel should be done.
Such a man is in a dangerous position. He has lost sight of the work
of a true leader among God’s people. Instead of acting as a wise
counselor, he assumes the prerogatives of an exacting ruler. God is
dishonored by every such display of authority and self-exaltation.
No man standing in his own strength is ever to be mind and judgment
for another man whom the Lord is using in His work. No one is to
lay down man-made rules and regulations to govern arbitrarily his
fellow laborers who have a living experience in the truth.
God calls upon those who have exercised undue authority to take
off from His workers every dominating hand. Let everyone to whom
has been entrusted sacred responsibilities seek to understand his
individual duty before God, and do that duty humbly and faithfully.
Let no one regard himself as a master, with controlling power to
exercise over his brethren. The principles of the word of God are to
be taught and practiced.
Amenable to God
While respecting authority and laboring in accordance with
wisely laid plans, every worker is amenable to the Great Teacher
for the proper exercise of his God-given judgment and of his right
to look to the God of heaven for wisdom and guidance. God is
Commander and Ruler over all. We have a personal Saviour, and
we are not to exchange His word for the word of any man. In the
Scriptures the Lord has given instruction for every worker. The
words of the Master Worker should be diligently studied; for they
are spirit and life. Laborers who are striving to work in harmony
with this instruction are under the leadership and guidance of the
Holy Spirit, and need not always, before they make any advance
move, first ask permission of someone else. No precise lines are to
be laid down. Let the Holy Spirit direct the workers. As they keep