Page 402 - Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers (1923)

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Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers
the hands to whom they ministered. God has so ordered matters that
no man is absolutely independent of his fellowmen.”
Counsel to Men in Official Positions
Among God’s people are some who have had long experience
in His work, men who have not departed from the faith. Notwith-
standing the great trials through which they have passed, they have
remained faithful. These men should be regarded as tried and chosen
counselors. They should be respected, and their judgment should be
honored by those who are younger or who have had less experience,
even though these younger men may be in official positions.
We are engaged in a great work, and there are many opportunities
for service in various lines. Let all pray earnestly that God may guide
them into the right channels of service. God’s workmen should not
neglect any opportunity to help others in every possible way. If
they seek God unselfishly for counsel, His word, which bringeth
salvation, will lead them. They will engage in labor on the right
hand and on the left, doing their best to remove from the minds of
others every doubt and every difficulty in understanding the truth.
The Spirit of God will make their labors effectual.
The Lord calls for minutemen, men who will be prepared to
speak words in season and out of season that will arrest the attention
and convict the heart. The kingdom of God consisteth not in outward
show. Light will not be received by following selfish plans, but by
looking unto Jesus, following Christ’s leading, not the suppositions
of men. The kingdom of God is righteousness and peace and joy in
the Holy Ghost.
It often happens that circumstances arise which demand prompt
action. And sometimes precious opportunities have been lost be-
cause of delay. The one who should have acted promptly felt that
he must first consult with someone who was far away and who was
unacquainted with the true conditions. Much time has thus been lost
in asking advice and counsel from men who were not in a position to
give wise counsel. Let all God’s workers be guided by the word of
truth which points out their duty, following implicitly the directions
Christ has given.
In 1883, I said to our brethren assembled in General Conference: