Page 407 - Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers (1923)

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Vital Principles of Relationship
much in prayer, that, according to His promise, the Lord may give
us wisdom.
“Though we have an individual work and an individual responsi-
bility before God, we are not to follow our own judgment, regardless
of the opinions and feelings of our brethren; for this course would
lead to disorder in the church. It is the duty of ministers to respect
the judgment of their brethren; but their relations to one another,
as well as the doctrines they teach, should be brought to the test of
the law and the testimony; then, if hearts are teachable, there will
be no divisions among us. Some are inclined to be disorderly, and
are drifting away from the great landmarks of the faith; but God is
moving upon His ministers to be one in doctrine and in spirit.
“Brethren sometimes associate together for years, and think they
can trust those they know so well, just as they would trust members
of their own family. There is a freedom and confidence in this
association which could not exist among those not of the same faith.
This is very pleasant while brotherly love continues; but let the
‘accuser’ of the brethren gain admittance to the heart of one of these
men, controlling the mind and the imagination, and jealousies are
created, suspicion and envy are harbored; and he who supposed
himself secure in the love and friendship of his brother finds himself
mistrusted, and his motives misjudged. The false brother forgets his
own human frailties, forgets his obligation to think and speak no evil
lest he dishonor God and wound Christ in the person of His saints;
and every defect that can be thought of or imagined is commented
upon unmercifully, and the character of a brother is represented as
dark and questionable.
“There is a betrayal of sacred trust. The things spoken in broth-
erly confidence are repeated and misrepresented; and every word,
every action, however innocent and well-meaning, is scrutinized
by the cold, jealous criticism of those who were thought too noble,
too honorable, to take the least advantage of friendly association or
brotherly trust. Hearts are closed to mercy, judgment, and the love
of God; and the cold, sneering, contemptuous spirit which Satan
manifests toward his victim is revealed.
“If Satan can employ professed believers to act as accusers of
the brethren, he is justly pleased; for those who do this are just as
truly serving him as was Judas when he betrayed Christ, although