Page 47 - Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers (1923)

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Church of Christ
cause of truth reproach and injury. The Lord has given to His people
appropriate messages of warning, reproof, counsel, and instruction,
but it is not appropriate to take these messages out of their connection
and place them where they will seem to give force to messages of
error. In the pamphlet published by Brother S. and his associates,
he accuses the church of God of being Babylon, and would urge a
separation from the church. This is a work that is neither honorable
nor righteous. In compiling this work, they have used my name and
writings for the support of that which I disapprove and denounce
as error. The people to whom this pamphlet will come will charge
the responsibility of this false position upon me, when it is utterly
contrary to the teachings of my writings and the light which God has
given me. I have no hesitancy in saying that those who are urging
on this work are greatly deceived.
A False Message
For years I have borne my testimony to the effect that when any
arise claiming to have great light, and yet advocating the tearing
down of that which the Lord through His human agents has been
building up, they are greatly deceived, and are not working along the
lines where Christ is working. Those who assert that the Seventh-
day Adventist churches constitute Babylon, or any part of Babylon,
might better stay at home. Let them stop and consider what is
the message to be proclaimed at this time. In place of working
with divine agencies to prepare a people to stand in the day of the
Lord, they have taken their stand with him who is an accuser of
the brethren, who accuses them before God day and night. Satanic
agencies have been moved from beneath, and they have inspired
men to unite in a confederacy of evil, that they may perplex, harass,
and cause of the people of God great distress. The whole world is
to be stirred with enmity against Seventh-day Adventists, because
they will not yield homage to the papacy, by honoring Sunday, the
institution of this antichristian power. It is the purpose of Satan to
cause them to be blotted from the earth, in order that his supremacy
of the world may not be disputed.