Page 56 - Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers (1923)

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Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers
disciples effective in convincing the world that God had sent His
Son into the world, “that whosoever believeth in Him should not
perish, but have everlasting life.” If the unity for which Christ prayed
existed among the people of God, they would bear living testimony,
would send forth a bright light to shine amid the moral darkness of
the world.
Satan Permitted to Tempt
Instead of the unity which should exist among believers, there is
disunion; for Satan is permitted to come in, and through his specious
deceptions and delusions he leads those who are not learning of
Christ meekness and lowliness of heart, to take a different line
from the church, and break up, if possible, the unity of the church.
Men arise speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after
themselves. They claim that God has given them great light; but
how do they act under its influence? Do they pursue the course that
the two disciples pursued on their journey to Emmaus? When they
received light, they returned and found those whom God had led and
was still leading, and told them how they had seen Jesus and had
talked with Him.
Have the men who have claimed to have light concerning the
church pursued this course? Have they gone to those who are chosen
of God to bear a living testimony, and given them evidence that this
light would better qualify them to prepare a people to stand in the
great day of God? Have they sought counsel of those who have
been and are still bearing the truth, and giving to the world the last
message of warning? Have they counseled with those who have had
a deep experience in the things of God? Why were these men, so
full of zeal for the cause, not present at the General Conference held
at Battle Creek, as were the devout men at Jerusalem at the time of
the outpouring of the Holy Spirit? At the great heart of the work,
men opened their treasures of light; and while the Lord was pouring
out His Spirit upon the people, did these men receive of the heavenly
anointing? While the deep movings of the Spirit of God were made
manifest among the people, and souls were being converted, and
hard hearts broken, there were those who were listening to the
suggestions of Satan, and they were inspired with zeal from beneath