Page 77 - Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers (1923)

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Faithful, Earnest Warnings
The Holy Spirit to be Left Untrammeled
Read these scriptures to the people. Read carefully, solemnly,
and the Holy Spirit will be by your side to impress minds as you
read them. But do not fail to read with the true sense of the word
in your own heart. If God has ever spoken by me, these scriptures
mean very much to those who shall hear them.
Finite men should beware of seeking to control their fellowmen,
taking the place assigned to the Holy Spirit. Let no men feel that it is
their prerogative to give to the world what they suppose to be truth,
and refuse that anything should be given contrary to their ideas. This
is not their work. Many things will appear distinctly as truth which
will not be acceptable to those who think their own interpretations
of the Scripture always right. Most decided changes will have to
be made in regard to ideas which some have accepted as without a
flaw. These men give evidence of fallibility in very many ways; they
work upon principles which the word of God condemns. That which
makes me feel to the very depths of my being, and makes me know
that their works are not the works of God, is that they suppose they
have authority to rule their fellowmen. The Lord has given them
no more right to rule others than He has given others to rule them.
Those who assume the control of their fellowmen take into their
finite hands a work that devolves upon God alone.
That men should keep alive the spirit which ran riot at Minneapo-
lis [
See appendix.
] is an offense to God. All heaven is indignant at
the spirit that for years has been revealed in our publishing institution
at Battle Creek. [
See appendix.
] Unrighteousness is practiced that
God will not tolerate. He will visit for these things. A voice has been
heard pointing out the errors and, in the name of the Lord, pleading
for a decided change. But who have followed the instruction given?
Who have humbled their hearts to put from them every vestige of
their wicked, oppressive spirit? I have been greatly burdened to set
these matters before the people as they are. I know they will see
them. I know that those who read this matter will be convicted.
* * * * *