Page 83 - Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers (1923)

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Faithful, Earnest Warnings
who that looks upon the exciting race would think that those who
were thus exhibiting themselves were the followers of Christ? Who
would suppose that any of that party felt their need of Christ? Who
would think they realized the value of their time and their physical
powers as gifts from God, to be preserved for His service? Who
thinks of the danger of accident, or that death may be the result of
their wild chase? Who have prayed for the presence of Jesus, and
the protection of the ministering angels? Is God glorified by these
performances? Satan is playing the game of life for these souls, and
he is well pleased with that which he sees and hears.
A Profanation of Religion
The once earnest Christian who enters into these sports is on
the downgrade. He has left the region pervaded by the vital atmo-
sphere of heaven, and has plunged into an atmosphere of mist and
fog. It may be some humble believer is induced to join in these
sports. But if he maintains his connection with Christ, he cannot in
heart participate in the exciting scene. The words he hears are not
congenial, for they are not the language of Canaan. The speakers
do not give evidence that they are making melody in their hearts to
God. But there is unmistakable evidence that God is forgotten. He
is not in all their thoughts. These parties of pleasure and gatherings
for exciting sports, made up of those who profess to be Christians,
are a profanation of religion and the name of God.
Deceptive Working of Satan
The tenor of the conversation reveals the treasure of the heart.
The cheap, common talk, the words of flattery, the foolish witticism,
spoken to create a laugh, are the merchandise of Satan, and all
who indulge in this talk are trading in his goods. Impressions are
made upon those who hear these things similar to that made upon
Herod when the daughter of Herodias danced before him. All these
transactions are recorded in the books of heaven; and at the last great
day they will appear in their true light before the guilty ones. Then
all will discern in them the alluring, deceptive workings of the devil,
to lead them into the broad road and the wide gate that opens to their