Seite 101 - Testimony Studies on Diet and Foods (1926)

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Extremes in Diet
good blood. An impoverished diet will impoverish the blood. I will
mention the case of Sister A. That case was presented to me to show
an extreme. Two classes were presented before me: First, those who
were not living up to the light which God had given them. They started
in the reform because somebody else did. They did not understand
the system for themselves. There are many of you who profess the
truth, who have received it because somebody else did, and for your
life you could not give the reason. This is why you are as weak as
water. Instead of weighing your motive in the light of eternity, instead
of having a practical knowledge of the principles underlying all your
actions, instead of having dug down to the bottom, and built upon a
right foundation for yourself, you are walking in the sparks kindled
by somebody else. And you will fail in this, as you have failed in the
health reform. Now if you had moved from principle you would not
have done this....
Another class who have taken hold of the health reform are very
severe. They take a position, and stand stubbornly in that position, and
carry nearly everything over the mark. Sister A was one of these. She
was not sympathizing, loving and affectionate, like our divine Lord.
Justice was nearly all she could see. She carried matters farther than
Dr. Trall. Her patients had to even leave her, because they could not
get enough to eat. Her impoverished diet gave her impoverished blood.
Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene, 49-50
Because it is wrong to eat merely to gratify a perverted taste, it
does not follow that we should be indifferent in regard to our food. It
is a matter of the highest importance. No one should adopt an impov-
erished diet. Many are debilitated from disease, and need nourishing,
well-cooked food. Health reformers, above all others, should be care-
ful to avoid extremes. The body must have sufficient nourishment.
The God who gives His beloved sleep has furnished them also suitable
food to sustain the physical system in a healthy condition.
Manuscript 59, 1912
Dear Brother-----,
In the past you have practiced health reform too rigorously for
your own good. Once, when you were very sick, the Lord gave me a