Seite 132 - Testimony Studies on Diet and Foods (1926)

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Testimony Studies on Diet and Foods
As I said before, we live in a corrupt age. It is a time when Satan
seems to have almost perfect control over minds that are not fully
consecrated to God. Therefore there is a very great responsibility
resting upon parents and guardians who have children to bring up.
Parents have taken the responsibility of bringing these children into
existence; and now what is their duty? Is it to let them come up
just as they may, and just as they will? Let me tell you, a weighty
responsibility rests upon these parents. “Whether, therefore, ye eat,
or drink, or whatever ye do, do all to the glory of God.” Do you do
this when you prepare food for your tables and call your family to
partake of it? Are you placing before your children only the food
that you know will make the very best blood? Is it that food that will
preserve their systems in the least feverish condition? Is it that which
will place them in the very best relation to life and health? Is this
the food that you are studying to place before your children. Or do
you, regardless of their future good, provide for them unhealthful,
stimulating, irritating food?
Let me tell you that children are born to evil. Satan seems to have
control of them. He takes possession of their young minds, and they
are corrupted. Why do fathers and mothers act as though a lethargy
were upon them? They do not mistrust that Satan is sowing evil seed
in their families. They are as blind and careless and reckless in regard
to these things as it is possible for them to be. Why do they not awake,
and read and study upon these subjects? Says the apostle, “Add to your
faith virtue, and to virtue knowledge, and to knowledge temperance
and to temperance patience,” etc. Here is a work which rests upon
every one who professes to follow Christ; it is to live upon the plan of
Chapter after chapter has been opened to me. I can select family
after family of children in this house, every one of whom is as corrupt
as hell itself. Some of them profess to be followers of Christ, and
you, their parents are as indifferent as though you had had a shock of
I have said that some of you are selfish. You have not understood
what I have meant. You have studied what food would taste best. Taste
and pleasure, instead of the glory of God, and a desire to advance in
the divine life, and to perfect holiness in the fear of God, have ruled.
You have consulted your own pleasure, your own appetite; and while