Seite 147 - Testimony Studies on Diet and Foods (1926)

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Flesh Foods
have our food prepared with but little salt, and have dispensed with
spices of all kinds. We breakfast at seven, and take our dinner at one.
It is seldom I have a faint feeling. My appetite is satisfied. My food is
eaten with a greater relish than ever before.
Manuscript 27, 1906
Nearly forty years ago the Lord opened up before us the principles
of health reform. At that time I was very weak physically. Sometimes
I would faint away two or three times a day, and I thought, as many
today think, that flesh-meat was the only food that would keep up my
strength. But in mercy the Lord showed me that flesh-meat is not
necessary to maintain strength, and that it is not the best food.
Since that time increased light upon health reform has been given.
In grains, fruits, and vegetables, and nuts, are to be found all the food
elements that we need. If we will come to the Lord in simplicity of
mind, He will teach us how to prepare wholesome food free from the
taint of flesh-meat.
Testimonies for the Church 2:153
When the meat-eating question was presented before me five years
ago, showing how little the people knew what they were eating for
food in the shape of flesh-meats, this transaction of yours was shown.
The effect of eating the meat of these unhealthy animals, is diseased
blood, sickness, and fevers.
Testimonies for the Church 9:153-154
Those who have received instruction regarding the evils of the
use of flesh foods, tea, and coffee, and rich and unhealthful food
preparations, and who are determined to make a covenant with God by
sacrifice, will not continue to indulge their appetite for food that they
know to be unhealthful. God demands that the appetite be cleansed,
and that self-denial be practiced in regard to those things which are
not good. This is a work that will have to be done before His people
can stand before Him a perfected people.