Seite 15 - Testimony Studies on Diet and Foods (1926)

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batter. Gems should be thoroughly baked in a well-heated oven, with
a steady fire.
To make rolls, use soft water and milk, or a little cream; make a
stiff dough and knead it as for crackers. Bake on the grate of the oven.
These are sweet and delicious. They require thorough mastication,
which is a benefit both to the teeth and the stomach. They make good
blood, and impart strength. With such bread, and the abundant fruits,
vegetables, and grains with which our country abounds, no greater
luxuries should be desired.
Tract Regarding the Use of Flesh Foods (Eight page tract)
Hot biscuits and flesh-meats are entirely out of harmony with
health-reform principles.
Unpublished Testimonies, November 5, 1896 (Healthful Living,
Hot soda biscuit are often spread with butter, and eaten as a choice
diet; but the feeble digestive organs can not but feel the abuse placed
upon them.
Letter F 3, 1884
We have been going back to Egypt rather than on to Canaan. Shall
we not reverse the order of things? Shall we not have plain, wholesome
food on our tables? Shall we not dispense with hot biscuits, which
only cause dyspepsia?
The Ministry of Healing, 300-302
For use in bread making, the superfine white flour is not the best.
Its use is neither healthful nor economical. Fine-flour bread is lacking
in nutritive elements to be found in bread made from the whole wheat.
It is a frequent cause of constipation and other unhealthful conditions.
The use of soda or baking powder in bread-making is harmful
and unnecessary. Soda causes inflammation of the stomach and often
poisons the entire system. Many housewives think that they can not
make good bread without soda, but this is an error. If they would
take the trouble to learn better methods, their bread would be more
wholesome, and, to a natural taste, it would be more palatable.