Seite 155 - Testimony Studies on Diet and Foods (1926)

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Flesh Foods
I have the subject presented to me in different aspects. The mor-
tality caused by meat-eating is not discerned; if it were, we would
hear no more arguments and excuses in favor of the indulgence of
the appetite for dead flesh. We have plenty of good things to satisfy
hunger without bringing corpses upon our table to compose our bill of
I might go to any length upon this subject, but I forbear. I do hope
that you, as a physician, will not by precept and example counterwork
that which the Lord has given me to enlighten minds and bring in
thorough reforms. I am working earnestly along these lines, and shall
never cease working against the practice of meat-eating. I have had
opened before me the stumbling-block which this diet question has
been in your own spiritual advancement, and what a stumbling-block
you have placed in the paths of others, and all because your own
sensibilities were blunted through the selfish gratification of appetite.
For Christ’s sake look deeper, study deeper, and act in accordance with
the light God has been pleased to give you and others on this subject.
Letter F 3, 1884
A positive injury is done to the system by continuous meat-eating.
There is no excuse for it but a depraved, perverted appetite. You may
ask, would you do away entirely with meat-eating? I answer, it will
eventually come to this, but we are not prepared for this step just now.
Meat-eating will eventually be done away. The flesh of animals will no
longer compose a part of our diet; and we shall look upon a butcher’s
shop with disgust. Again and again I have been shown that God is
bringing His people back to His original design, that is not to subsist
upon the flesh of dead animals. He would have us teach people a better
We are built up from that which we eat. Shall we strengthen the
animal passions by eating animal food? In the place of educating the
taste to love this gross diet, it is high time that we were educating
ourselves to subsist upon fruits, grains, and vegetables. This is the
work of all who are connected with our institutions. Use less and
less meat, until it is not used at all. If meat is discarded, if the taste
is not educated in that direction, if a liking for fruits and grains is