Seite 167 - Testimony Studies on Diet and Foods (1926)

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Flesh Foods
And the more the appetite is indulged, the more will be its clamors for
gratification. This faintness is generally the result of meat-eating, and
eating frequently, and too much.
Testimonies for the Church 3:487-488
Intemperance commences at our tables, in the use of unhealthful
food. After a time, through continued indulgence, the digestive organs
become weakened, and the food taken does not satisfy the appetite.
Unhealthy conditions are established, and there is a craving for more
stimulating food. Tea, coffee and flesh-meats produce an immediate
effect. Under the influence of these poisons, the nervous system is
excited, and, in some cases, for the time being, the intellect seems
to be invigorated and the imagination to be more vivid. Because
these stimulants produce for the time being such agreeable results,
many conclude that they really need them, and continue their use. But
there is always a reaction. The nervous system, having been unduly
excited, borrowed power for present use from its future resources of
strength. All this temporary invigoration of the system is followed by
depression. In proportion as these stimulants temporarily invigorate
the system, will be the letting down of the power of the excited organs
after the stimulus has lost its force. The appetite is educated to crave
something stronger, which will have a tendency to keep up and increase
the agreeable excitement, until indulgence becomes habits, and there
is a continual craving for stronger stimulus, as tobacco, wines, and
Testimonies for the Church 3:569
Satan is corrupting minds and destroying souls through his subtle
temptations. Will our people see and feel the sin of indulging perverted
appetite? Will they discard tea, coffee, flesh-meats, and all stimulating
food, and devote the means expended for these hurtful indulgences to
spreading the truth?
Testimonies for the Church 1:548-549
Some think that they can not reform, that health would be sac-
rificed should they attempt to leave the use of tea, and flesh-meats.
This is the suggestion of Satan. It is these hurtful stimulants that are