Seite 17 - Testimony Studies on Diet and Foods (1926)

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is allowed to stand over and is then broken open, there will frequently
be seen long strings like cobwebs, and this, in warm weather, soon
causes fermentation to take place in the stomach. Milk should not be
used in place of water in bread making. All this is extra expense, and
is not wholesome. The taste may be educated so that it will prefer
bread prepared in this way; but the more simply it is made, the better it
will satisfy hunger, and the more natural will be the appetite to enjoy
the plainest diet.
We had a large family to cook for, and the ten quarts of milk which
our cow gave each day was not sufficient for our family use. At times
three extra quarts had to be purchased to give us enough to mix the
bread with milk. This was a most extravagant business, and wholly
unnecessary. I had this order of things changed, and the testimony
of all was that the bread was more appetizing than when mixed with
Every housekeeper should feel it her duty to educate herself to
make good sweet bread, and in the most inexpensive manner and the
family should refuse to have upon the table bread that is heavy and
sour, for it is injurious. There are a large number of poor families who
buy the common baker’s bread which is often sour, and is not healthful
for the stomach.
Testimonies for the Church 2:68
Fine-flour bread can not impart to the system the nourishment that
you will find in the unbolted wheat bread. The common use of bolted
wheat bread can not keep the system in a healthy condition. You both
have inactive livers. The use of fine flour aggravates the difficulties
under which you are laboring.