Seite 196 - Testimony Studies on Diet and Foods (1926)

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Testimony Studies on Diet and Foods
be gained by its use. All these are powerful in their efficiency, and
the patient who has obtained a knowledge of how to eat and dress
healthfully, may live for comfort, for peace, for health; and will not be
prevailed upon to put to his lips, drugs, which, in the place of helping
nature, paralyzes her powers. If the sick and suffering will do only
as well as they know in regard to living out the principles of health
reform perseveringly, they will, in nine cases out of ten, recover from
their ailments....
The sick should be educated to have confidence in nature’s bless-
ings which God has provided, and the most effective remedies for
disease are pure, soft water; the blessed God-given sunshine coming
into the rooms of the invalids; living outdoors as much as possible;
having healthful exercise; eating and drinking in foods that are pre-
pared in the most healthful manner. To resort to the drugging process
lays upon nature a most fearful, merciless burden, from which they
may never recover. There are many laboring under chronic diseases.
They will swallow anything in the line of drugs prescribed by the
unbelieving physician, when an intelligent knowledge that they are
indulging in unnatural appetites which explains to them the cause of
their suffering, if Christians, they would place themselves in a position
as health reformers. They would change the cause which produces this
sure result.
Letter B 69, 1898
The living connection with the Great Physician is worth more than
connection with a world of drugs. The soothing power of pure truth
seen, acted, and maintained in all its bearings is of a value no language
can express to people who are suffering with disease. Keep ever before
the suffering sick the compassion and tenderness of Christ, and awaken
their conscience to a belief in His power to relieve suffering, and lead
them to faith and trust in Him, the Great Healer, and you have gained
a soul and ofttimes a life.
Manuscript 115, 1903
Thousands who are afflicted might recover their health if, instead
of depending upon the drugstore for their life, they would discard all
drugs, and live simply, without using tea, coffee, liquor, or spices,