Seite 20 - Testimony Studies on Diet and Foods (1926)

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Testimony Studies on Diet and Foods
Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene,46-47
Many a mother sets a table that is a snare to her family. Flesh-
meats, butter, cheese, rich pastry, spiced foods, and condiments are
freely partaken of by both old and young. These things do their work
in deranging the stomach, exciting the nerves, and enfeebling the
intellect. The blood-making organs can not convert such things into
good blood.
Testimonies for the Church 2:485-486
One family in particular have needed all the benefits they could
receive from the reform in diet; yet these very ones have been com-
pletely backslidden. Meat and butter have been used by them quite
freely and spices have not been entirely discarded. This family could
have received great benefit from a nourishing, well-regulated diet....
The brother referred to felt a lack in his system; he was not nour-
ished, and he thought that meat would give him the needed strength.
Had he been suitably cared for, his table spread at the right time with
food of a nourishing quality, all the demands of nature would have
been abundantly supplied. The butter and meat stimulate. These have
injured the stomach and perverted the taste. The sensitive nerves of
the brain have been benumbed, and the animal appetite strengthened
at the expense of the moral and intellectual faculties.
Testimonies for the Church 1:681
Many do not feel that this is a matter of duty, hence they do not
try to prepare food properly. This can be done in a simple, healthful
and easy manner, without the use of lard, butter or flesh-meats. Skill
must be united with simplicity. To do this, women must read, and then
patiently reduce what they read to practice.
Unpublished Testimonies, November 5, 1896 (Healthful Living,
Hot soda biscuit are often spread with butter, and eaten as a choice
diet; but the feeble digestive organs can not but feel the abuse placed
upon them.