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Testimony Studies on Diet and Foods
to be followed by a religious influence. To voice the words of John,
“Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.”
Letter K 203, 1905
I have been instructed that we are not to delay to do the work that
needs to be done in health reform lines. Through this work we are to
reach souls in the highways and the byways.
Unpublished Testimonies, November 8, 1896 (Healthful Living, 33)
The principles of health reform have the highest authority, and
deserve a wider sphere than has yet been given them by many who
profess present truth.
Testimonies for the Church 9:112-113
The work of health reform is the Lord’s means for lessening suffer-
ing in our world and for purifying His church. Teach the people that
they can act as God’s helping hand, by cooperating with the Master-
worker in restoring physical and spiritual health. This work bears the
signature of heaven, and will open doors for the entrance of other
precious truths. There is room for all to labor who will take hold of
this work intelligently.
Keep the work of health reform to the front, is the message I am
instructed to bear. Show so plainly its value that a widespread need for
it will be felt. Abstinence from all hurtful food and drink is the fruit
of true religion. He who is thoroughly converted will abandon every
injurious habit and appetite. By total abstinence he will overcome his
desire for health-destroying indulgences.
I am instructed to say to health-reform educators, Go forward. The
world needs every jot of the influence you can exert to press back the
tide of moral woe. Let those who teach the third angel’s message stand
true to their colors.