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Healthful Cookery
been prolonged had it not been for this endless round of manufactured
duties. Many a mother goes down to the grave, who, had her habits
been simple, might have lived to be a blessing in the home, the church,
and the world.
Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene, 74
Some who learn to be seamstresses, type-setters, proof-readers,
book-keepers, or school-teachers, consider themselves too aristocratic
to associate with the cook.
These ideas have pervaded nearly all classes of society. The cook
is made to feel that her occupation is one which places her low in the
scale of social life, and that she must not expect to associate with the
family on equal terms. Can you be surprised, then, that intelligent girls
seek some other employment? Do you marvel that there are so few
educated cooks? The only marvel is that there are so many who will
submit to such treatment.
The cook fills an important place in the household. She is preparing
food to be taken into the stomach, to form brain, bone, and muscle.
The health of all the members of the family depends largely upon her
skill and intelligence. Household duties will never receive the attention
they demand until those who faithfully perform them are held in proper
Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene, 119
One reason why many have become discouraged in practicing
health reform is that they have not learned how to cook so that proper
food, simply prepared, would supply the place of the diet to which
they have been accustomed. They become disgusted with the poorly
prepared dishes, and next we hear them say that they have tried the
health reform, and cannot live in that way. Many attempt to follow out
meager instructions in health reform, and make such sad work that it
results in injury to digestion, and in discouragement to all concerned in
the attempt. You profess to be health reformers, and for this very reason
you should become good cooks. Those who can avail themselves of
the advantages of properly conducted hygienic cooking-schools, will
find it a great benefit, both in their own practice and in teaching others.