Seite 243 - Testimony Studies on Diet and Foods (1926)

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How to Present the Principles of Health Reform
to give up, so that they will make no effort to reform. We must lead
the people along patiently and gradually, remembering the hole of the
pit whence we were digged.
Testimonies for the Church 6:336
In your association with unbelievers, do not allow yourselves to
be swerved from right principles. If you sit at their table, eat temper-
ately, and only of food that will not confuse the mind. Keep clear of
intemperance. You can not afford to weaken your mental or physical
powers, lest you become unable to discern spiritual things. Keep your
mind in such a condition that God can impress it with the precious
truths of His word.
Thus you will have an influence upon others. Many try to correct
the lives of others by attaching what they regard as wrong habits. They
go to those whom they think in error, and point out defects, but do not
put forth earnest, tactful effort in directing the mind to true principles.
Such a course often fails of securing the desired results. In trying
to correct others we too often arouse their combativeness, and thus
do more harm than good. Do not watch others in order to point out
their faults or errors. Teach by example. Let your self-denial and your
victory over appetite be an illustration of obedience to right principles.
Let your life bear witness to the sanctifying, ennobling influence of
Letter B 135, 1902
The Lord desires every minister, every physician, every church
member, to be careful not to urge those who are ignorant of our faith
to make sudden changes in diet, thus bringing them to a premature
test. Hold up the principles of health reform, and let the Lord lead the
honest in heart. They will hear and believe. The Lord does not require
His messengers to present the beautiful truths of health reform in a way
that will prejudice the minds of others. Let no one place stumbling
blocks before those who are walking in the dark paths of ignorance.
Even in praising a good thing, it is well not to be too enthusiastic, lest
you turn out of the way those who come to hear. Present the principles
of temperance in their most attractive form.