Seite 249 - Testimony Studies on Diet and Foods (1926)

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Hygienic Restaurants
Manuscript 115, 1903
God has declared that sanitariums and hygienic restaurants should
be established for the purpose of making known to the world His law.
The closing of our restaurants on the Sabbath is to be a witness that
there is a people who will not for worldly gain, or to please people,
disregard God’s holy rest day. These restaurants are to be established
in our cities to bring the truth before many who are engrossed in the
business and pleasure of this world. Many of these are professed Chris-
tians, but are “lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God.” These are
to know that God has a people who fear Him and keep His command-
ments. They are to be taught how to choose and prepare the simple
food that is best suited to nourish the body and preserve the health.
Letter B, 1902
Our restaurants will have to be in the cities. In regard to these
restaurants, I am instructed to say that too much of an effort is being
made to have one large restaurant in a city. It would be more in the
order of the Lord to have several smaller ones. He desires a work done
for those who are served. The sowing of the seeds of truth, not the
obtaining of a large number of patrons, is to be the first consideration.
Numbers is no true evidence of success.
The words were spoken: “Do not flatter yourselves that because a
large number come each day to the restaurant, you are making great
advancement in the work. What are you doing to save souls? You
gather in a large company, and then feed them at too low a price. You
employ your helpers at too low a price. What encouragement have
they that they are doing God’ service? ...”
What of your helpers? Are they becoming indifferent in regard to
the truth? If they are and if no effort is being made to give spiritual
help to them and to those who come each day for meals, the business
might better be carried on by unbelievers; for this would not exert so
strong an influence against the truth. My brethren, carry on your work
in such a way that will fortify souls against temptation, rather than
leading them into temptation.