Seite 260 - Testimony Studies on Diet and Foods (1926)

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Testimony Studies on Diet and Foods
to benefit the sick, and instruct those who do not understand how to
preserve the strength and health they already have, and how to prevent
disease by a wise use of heaven’s remedies,—pure water, air, and diet.
Letter K 79, 1905
The light given me was that a sanitarium should be established,
and that in it drug medication should be discarded, and simple, rational
methods of treatment employed for the healing of disease. In this
institution people were to be taught how to dress, breathe, and eat
properly,—how to prevent sickness by proper habits of living.
Letter B 204, 1906
Keep the patients out of doors as much as possible, and give them
cheering, happy talks in the parlor, with simple reading and Bible
lessons easy to be understood, which will be an encouragement to
the soul. Talk on health reform, and do not you, my brother, become
burden bearer in so many lines that you can not teach the simple
lessons of health reform. Those who go from the Sanitarium should
go so well instructed that they can teach others the methods of treating
their families.
There is danger of spending far too much money on machinery
and appliances which the patients can never use in their home lessons.
They should rather be taught how to regulate the diet, so that the living
machinery of the whole being will work in harmony.
Letter K 233, 1905
Our sanitariums are to be the means of enlightening those who
come to them for treatment. The patients are to be shown how they can
live upon a diet of grains, fruits, nuts, and other products of the soil.
I have been instructed that lectures should be regularly given in our
sanitariums on health topics. People are to be taught to discard those
articles of food that weaken the health and strength of the beings for
whom Christ gave His life. The injurious effects of tea and coffee are
to be shown. The patients are to be taught how they can dispense with
those articles of diet that injure the digestive organs.... Let the patients
be shown the necessity of practicing the principles of health reform, if
they would regain their health. Let the sick be shown how to get well