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Testimony Studies on Diet and Foods
nuts between their meals, and thus impose too heavy burdens upon
the digestive organs. Some eat three meals a day, when two would
be more conducive to physical and spiritual health. If the laws which
God has made to govern the physical system are violated, the penalty
must surely follow.
Testimonies for the Church 4:574
Few have moral stamina to resist temptation, especially of the
appetite, and to practice self-denial. To some it is a temptation too
strong to be resisted to see others eat the third meal; and they imagine
they are hungry, when the feeling is not a call of the stomach for food,
but a desire of the mind that has not been fortified with firm principle,
and disciplined to self-denial.
The Ministry of Healing, 321
The practice of eating but two meals a day is generally found a
benefit to health; yet under some circumstances, persons may require
a third meal. This should, however, if taken at all, be very light, and
of food most easily digested. “Crackers”—the English biscuit—or
zwieback, and fruit, or cereal coffee, are the foods best suited for the
evening meal.