Seite 301 - Testimony Studies on Diet and Foods (1926)

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Physiology of Digestion
becomes a habit, and the lungs lose their power to expand. A similar
effect is produced by tight lacing....
Thus an insufficient supply of oxygen is received. The blood moves
sluggishly. The waste, poisonous matter, which should be thrown off
in the exhalations from the lungs, is retained, and the blood becomes
impure. Not only the lungs, but the stomach, liver, and brain are
affected. The skin becomes sallow, digestion is retarded; the heart
depressed; the brain is clouded; the thoughts are confused; gloom
settles upon the spirits; the whole system becomes depressed and
inactive, and peculiarly susceptible to disease.
Testimonies for the Church 1:702
The influence of pure, fresh air is to cause the blood to circulate
healthfully through the system. It refreshes the body, and tends to
render it strong and healthy, while at the same time its influence is
decidedly felt upon the mind, imparting a degree of composure and
serenity. It excites the appetite, and renders the digestion of food more
perfect, and induces sound and sweet sleep.
Testimonies for the Church 1:502
The consciousness of right-doing is the best medicine for dis-
eased bodies and minds. The special blessing of God resting upon
the receiver is health and strength. A person whose mind is quiet and
satisfied in God is in the pathway to health. To have a consciousness
that the eyes of the Lord are upon us, and His ears open to our prayers
is a satisfaction indeed. To know that we have a never-failing Friend
in whom we can confide all the secrets of the soul, is a privilege which
words can never express.