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Testimony Studies on Diet and Foods
Testimonies for the Church 5:162-163
I have been shown that some of our camp-meetings are far from
being what the Lord designed they should be. The people come un-
prepared for the visitation of God’s Holy Spirit. Generally the sisters
devote considerable time before the meeting to the preparation of gar-
ments for the outward adorning while they entirely forget the inward
adorning which is in the sight of God of great price. There is also
much time spent in needless cooking, in the preparation of rich pies
and cakes and other articles of food that do positive injury to those who
partake of them. Should our sisters provide good bread and some other
healthful kinds of food, both they and their families would be better
prepared to appreciate the words of life, and far more susceptible to
the influence of the Holy Spirit.
Unpublished Testimonies, October 29, 1894 (Healthful Living, 82)
I advise the people to give up sweet puddings or custards made
with eggs and milk and sugar, and to eat the best home-made bread,
both graham and white, with dried or green fruits, and let that be the
only course for one meal; then let the next meal be of nicely prepared
Unpublished Testimonies, November 5, 1896 (Healthful Living,
The less that condiments and desserts are placed upon our tables,
the better it will be for all who partake of the food. All mixed and
complicated foods are injurious to the health of human beings. Dumb
animals would never eat such a mixture as is often placed in the
human stomach.... Rich and complicated mixtures of food are health
Letter B 135, 1902
Let those who advocate health reform strive earnestly to make it
all that they claim it is. Let them discard everything detrimental to
health. Use simple, wholesome food. Fruit is excellent, and saves
much cooking. Discard rich pastries, cakes, desserts, and other dishes
prepared to tempt the appetite. Eat fewer kinds of food at one meal,
and eat with thanksgiving.