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Testimony Studies on Diet and Foods
eat irregularly and between meals of unhealthful food. These things do
their work of deranging the stomach, exciting the nerves to unnatural
action, and enfeebling the intellect. Parents do not realize that they are
sowing the seed which will bring forth disease and death.
Unpublished Testimonies, August 30, 1896 (Healthful Living, 94)
At too many tables, when the stomach has received all that it
requires to carry on the work of nourishing the system, another course,
consisting of pies, puddings, and highly flavored sauces, is placed
upon the table.... Many, though they have already eaten enough, will
overstep the bounds, and eat the tempting dessert, which, however,
proves anything but good to them.... If the extras which are provided
for dessert were dispensed with altogether, it would be a blessing.