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Testimony Studies on Diet and Foods
people. But now God requires them to labor with their hands, the thing
that is good, and lay by them in store as He has prospered them, and
to do their part in sustaining the cause of truth. This is a duty enjoined
upon all who are not especially called to labor in word and doctrine, to
devote their time to proclaiming to others the way of life and salvation.
Those who labor with their hands, those who labor in word and
doctrine, must have a care to sustain their physical powers; for Satan
and his evil angels are warring against them, seeking to undermine
their strength. When they can, they should take rest both in body and
mind, and should eat of nourishing food; for they will be obliged to
use all the power they have. I saw that it does not glorify God in the
least for any of His people to make a time of trouble for themselves.
There is a time of trouble just before us, but He will prepare us for that
fearful conflict.
The Ministry of Healing, 296-297
But not all foods wholesome in themselves are equally suited to our
needs under all circumstances. Care should be taken in the selection
of food. Our diet should be suited to the season, to the climate in
which we live, and to the occupation we follow. Some foods that
are adapted for use at one season or in one climate are not suited to
another. So there are different foods best suited for persons in different
occupations. Often food that can be used with benefit by those engaged
in hard physical labor is unsuitable for persons of sedentary pursuits
or intense mental application. God has given us an ample variety of
healthful foods, and each person should choose from it the things that
experience and sound judgment prove to be best suited to his own
Testimonies for the Church 7:133-134
In the use of foods, we should exercise good, sound common sense.
When we find that a certain food does not agree with us, we need not
write letters of inquiry to learn the cause of the disturbance. Change
the diet; use less of some foods; try other preparations. Soon we shall
know the effect that certain combinations have on us. As intelligent
human beings, let us individually study the principles, and use our
experience and judgment in deciding what foods are best for us.